e-ISSN 2231-8526
ISSN 0128-7680

Home / Regular Issue / JST Vol. 30 (4) Oct. 2022 / JST-3333-2021


MOFTI: Mobile Self-Service Framework to Uplift Customer Experience for the Telecommunications Industry in Malaysia

Zainab Abu Bakar, Hazrina Sofian and Nazean Jomhari

Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, Volume 30, Issue 4, October 2022


Keywords: Automation of business process, customer experience, customer loyalty, digital contact centre, human restriction, telecommunications customer services

Published on: 28 September 2022

The new era of digital technologies has caused customers to require more efficient, easier access and immediate services. The first concern in the telecommunications industry is unpleasant conventional interactions (live agents) and interactive voice responses. The second area of concern is the operational change due to the MCO, which has impacted customer experience at physical counters. MCO imposes physical distancing at physical counters, with customers required to be at least one metre apart. Some businesses have imposed long queues to avoid congestion within a limited space, forcing customers to queue outside business spaces: perhaps along the road, in front of other premises, and under uncertain weather conditions. The shortened working hours during the MCO have amplified the number of unresolved issues among customers and long queues. This research aims to formulate a proposed framework for uplifting customer experience while managing the restrictions people face due to the MCO. The proposed solution is based on a literature review, reviewing existing mobile apps, and analysing data collected in 2020 through surveys and interviews. The evaluation results show that the proposed solution can be a guide for telecommunications service providers to enhance the customer’s experience of their self-service platforms while managing the restrictions people face due to the MCO. The novelty of this research is aligned with the Industrial Revolution 4.0 to reduce the workforce through the automation of business processes to meet the demands of the future economy.

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ISSN 0128-7680

e-ISSN 2231-8526

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